Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spring Skiing in Australia

Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to visit Mount Buller for a day trip - the first time for 2012.

What did I notice? Plenty of snow and not many people. I am told that some lodges a planning to close soon even though the season looks like extenting through to the first weekend in October.

Since my visit it has snowed another 30cm and more is predicted this week (weatherzone forecast up to 24cm)

Why aren't people skiing and riding in September?
  1. "I have had enough, the season is too long!" - I don't think so.
  2. "There is no snow." There is PLENTY of snow this September. At Hotham for example 206cm verses 46 cm last year.
  3. "Its too expensive." There are many incentives being offered at all the resorts eg. Kids Ski Free at Mount Buller.
  4. "Its Football Finals Time." Not everyone has a ticket.
I can think of some good reasons to hit the slopes this Spring
  1. There is plenty of snow
  2. Its cheaper
  3. The days are longer
  4. Its warmer
  5. There is more sunshine and
  6. You can watch the football on TV.
At Rider+ we are now ON SALE. We will be closing the physical store at the end of the season and next year we will be operating form our new Showroom/warehouse.

Now you can purchase your gear at great prices AND get to use it in Spring!